Monday, September 2, 2019

Philosophical and Political Aspects of Lord the Flies Essay -- Lord Fl

Philosophical and Political Aspects of Lord the Flies      Ã‚  Ã‚   Is easy enough to make a broad generalization about philosophical, political or even religious interpretations on each book ( even if we consider religion in some way vinculated to philosophy), but in reality the issue is an extremely complex one. It would be so comfortable to reduce a story to a mere source of external references and to lose all the nuances that make literature a special phenomenon; I ´m not saying literature is only style but it must not be subdued to its content. And, unfortunately, that is a typical contemporary quirk.      Ã‚  Ã‚   This not only happens in literature; for example, in children ´s films, where the content is supposed to be political unexisting, there always appears somebody who tries to give the movie a second political reading, trying therefore to measure its value by any subjective comment. It would appear then that some creations do not have enough interest if viewed from a neutral point of view.      Ã‚  Ã‚   The fact of the matter is that literature is not a mere moral eulogistic topic. In this essay we shall try to contrast several interpretations, mainly focusing on philosophical and political aspects, including religion if necessary.      Ã‚  Ã‚   A number of key issues arise from the simbology of the book. The story is an allegory traced with great skill and allows the reader to give the book second readings.      Ã‚  Ã‚   Firstly, we would like to explain some possible meanings of the islands as a metaphor. When framing the book on an island, the author ´s purpose is to freely experiment with the characters and the ... ...oo when he does not want to recognize being implied on Simon's murder.      Ã‚  Ã‚   Perhaps the reason to be learned from this book is that we all hide a tyrant, or an evil, or a dark instinct which must be sacrificed in favour of living in society. Maybe those features are natural; but the human being is also social by nature, and so the fatal conflict could be intrinsic and unavoidable within ourselves. 'The Lord of the Flies' could not be a great question but a mere explanation of what we are. An explanation of human history and a pessimist message for those who believe in utopia. Anyway, if pessimism is an obstacle, it is also a challenge to be faced; and by facing trouble, if you are not destroyed, you will surely check out that there is a lot of truth in this simply, known but overwhelming phrase: whatever does not kill you makes you stronger.

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